An estimated one million children under the age of 15 years become sick with TB each year. Of those, 239,000 – nearly one in four – die. Children with TB rarely die when they receive standard treatment for the disease, but 90 percent of children who died from TB worldwide went untreated.
The Union aims to reduce the scourge of child TB, particularly in high-burden settings and among those living in poverty. We develop, test, implement and scale up routine screening of child contacts of people with TB for case finding and for the provision of preventive therapy to eligible children. We run observational studies and ensure children are included in clinical trials that target diagnostics, vaccines and treatment of disease and latent infection.
Children treated with TB prevention through The Union’s TITI study
People from 70 countries completed The Union’s online training for healthcare workers in TB and MDR-TB in children
Districts in Uganda where The Union’s DETECT Child TB model has been introduced to the NTP